The Vatican’s War Over Turkey

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Widely recognized as the world’s smallest state and at the same time the heart of the Catholic realm, the Vatican has throughout history been the stage for countless political and religious intrigues. Recently, events involving internal power struggles at the Vatican and Pope Francis’s health have brought renewed attention to this tiny state’s big conflicts. In particular, rumors surrounding Pope Francis’s planned visit to the İznik district in Turkey’s Bursa province, calls for his resignation from within the Vatican, certain prophecies, and the possibility of an approaching “Armageddon War” all combine to paint an extremely striking picture.

According to Catholic media outlets and rumors inside Vatican circles, Pope Francis has been hospitalized with pneumonia since February 14, 202X. While some ask whether the date of February 14 is significant, certain sources claim this date may have been deliberately chosen or that it is a “twist of fate.” Rumors that Pope Francis plans to travel to İznik in May to attend an important ceremony have caused quite a stir. İznik, having hosted a critical council in Christian history, is both symbolic and pivotal. Indeed, it is said that this journey could closely affect the future of both the Vatican and the Pope.

So what is happening inside the Vatican? What dangers await Pope Francis? What lies behind the prophecies involving İznik? In this file, entitled “The Vatican’s War Over Turkey,” we focus our lens on current crises that concern the Catholic world as well as interpretations of the so-called 112th pope prophecies.

Pope Francis’s Health Status and the February 14 Mystery

On February 14, 202X, Pope Francis was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia, and conflicting news regarding his health has emerged. While some official sources report a positive response to treatment, a few anonymous Vatican sources claim his condition may not be as straightforward as it seems. This mysterious picture prompts questions such as “Was February 14 deliberately chosen?” In Catholic tradition, February 14 is commemorated as Saint Valentine’s Day, associated with love and affection, yet also imbued with symbolic value. Skeptics argue that Pope Francis’s hospitalization on this special day could be a move by certain hostile elements within the Vatican.

Pope Francis’s age is considered highly relevant in how the Vatican is run. Some cardinals and archbishops openly say, “Because of your advancing age, you are no longer fit to effectively lead the country or the Church; we ask that you resign.” Traditionally, popes serve until death, and it is extremely rare for a pope to resign. However, the unusual 2013 resignation of Pope Benedict XVI—citing insomnia and other health issues—remains fresh in people’s minds.

It is not just Pope Francis’s health that has triggered the opposition. The most conservative circles of Christianity criticize Francis’s seemingly tolerant stance toward same-sex marriage ceremonies among LGBT+ individuals as “overly liberal.” They also claim that his frequent forays into political matters, along with his support for global initiatives such as “inclusive capitalism,” have made him a target. This dynamic places conservative factions within the Vatican at odds with those who support Pope Francis and his reformist approach.

The İznik Visit and the Significance of the 1700th Year

Pope Francis’s plan to travel in May to İznik, located in Turkey’s Bursa province, has stirred widespread debate in the Catholic world. İznik holds tremendous historical importance in Christianity: In the year 325, it hosted the First Council of Nicaea, which established Christianity’s core doctrines, set the Church’s framework, and served as a model for subsequent councils. Core elements of Christian belief, such as the concept of the Trinity and ecclesiastical hierarchies, were solidified at this council.

Today, the upcoming 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea elicits particular interest. While 1700 might seem like an “odd year” to some, in Catholic Church traditions it is recognized as a significant milestone. One of the Vatican’s most senior cardinals, George Jacob Kovak, recently traveled to İznik to confer with local officials about preparations. Discussions about holding a ceremony, selecting a suitable venue, and arranging security reveal the seriousness with which the Vatican views this location.

According to individuals close to the Vatican, plans are underway to organize a large-scale ceremony or service in İznik to mark this anniversary, and the Pope is expected to attend. However, a staunch opposition faction is pushing back. They believe that if Pope Francis sets foot in İznik, it could “trigger prophecies.” The İznik visit is therefore seen as not just a religious event but also as a turning point for the future of the Vatican and the Pope.

The Prophecies of Saint Malachy and the 112th Pope

One major element fueling unrest in the Vatican is a series of famed prophecies. These are said to have been authored by a 12th-century Irish archbishop named Saint Malachy, and they have long captivated the Catholic realm. The list of prophecies allegedly foresees the origins and symbols of future popes, as well as hints of when the Church will face a dramatic end.

Under Saint Malachy’s alleged prophecies, there are 112 popes, and the 112th signals a time of severe trials for the Church. Many scholars claim that the current Pope, Francis, is that 112th pope. In this reading, Francis corresponds to “Petrus Romanus,” the final pope in Malachy’s list. The prophecies predict the destruction of the “seven-hilled city” after the reign of the 112th pope and the start of a “great judgment.”

The question of the “seven-hilled city” becomes particularly central here. Both Rome and Istanbul have long been referred to as cities of seven hills. For centuries, Catholics have debated whether these prophecies refer to the demise of Istanbul or the downfall of Rome. Certain religious groups that revere Malachy’s prophecies claim that if the Pope goes to İznik in Turkey, the Vatican will soon face total collapse. The demise is purportedly linked to a major, final reckoning or even an end-times conflict known as Armageddon.

The Clash Between Conservative and Reformist Factions

In the Vatican, there is a powerful conservative group openly displeased with Pope Francis’s leadership. They condemn his perceived liberal viewpoints on homosexuality, migrant rights, global affairs, and economic initiatives. They also critique his frequent “political” stances and alignment with global power players. “Inclusive capitalism” initiatives, in which Francis has collaborated with global business titans, are seen by these conservatives as “desecrating the sanctity” of the papal office.

On the other hand, the reformists laud Pope Francis’s mission as necessary for the Church to address contemporary challenges and establish a more inclusive brand of Christianity. In their view, the Church’s stringent regulations, dogmatic practices, and insular structure cannot remain intact in the modern era. Francis is celebrated for “bringing the Church to the people,” engaging with politics, and extending a welcoming stance to all individuals.

The primary tension between these two sides is not just about whether the Pope remains in office or steps down but also about the broader future of the papacy, the influence of the Catholic Church worldwide, and the role of the Vatican in global politics. The planned visit to İznik may crystallize these tensions. Groups that take, or fear, the prophecies seriously believe the Pope’s arrival in Turkey might spell the end for the Vatican.

Intrigue and Allegations: Assassination or Forced Resignation?

Renowned for centuries of religious and political intrigue, the Vatican is known for intelligence operations, infiltration by foreign agents, and behind-the-scenes struggles for influence. Given the uncertainty around Pope Francis’s health, many rumors and conspiracy theories have taken shape in this environment. Some speculate that powerful factions inside the Vatican could push the Pope toward an “early demise,” possibly through “medical assassination.”

A more plausible scenario involves forcing the Pope to resign or pressuring him into making decisions beneficial to these conservative factions. Historically, popes have been challenged by factions seeking to undermine them and push them off the throne. Today, extended hospitalization, combined with potentially negative health assessments, could be used to steer Pope Francis toward resignation—thereby opening the way for conservative cardinals to install someone more aligned with their views.

Prophecies of the Armageddon War

Discussion of impending end-times events in Vatican circles isn’t limited to Saint Malachy. Many mystics and forecasters predict that a colossal “Armageddon War” will break out sometime in the mid-21st century. References to the Books of Esdras and Revelation, Nostradamus, and other sources appear frequently in these narratives. Some conservative writers in Catholic media believe Pope Francis’s political engagement might hasten the approach of this “end-time” scenario.

Though most Catholic believers do not treat such prophecies as official doctrine, the Vatican has historically recognized their popular impact. Sometimes these prophecies serve to mobilize believers or offer a compelling religious rhetoric. It’s no wonder that some are asking, “If Pope Francis goes to İznik, will these prophecies come true?” The visit also resonates powerfully as a symbol of unity from an early phase of Christian history.

Symbolic Meaning of the Seven-Hilled City

When discussing a “seven-hilled city,” most think first of Rome, long referred to by this moniker. However, Istanbul, which inherited the mantle of the Eastern Roman Empire, is likewise built on seven hills. In Saint Malachy’s prophecies, references to the destruction of the seven-hilled city following the tenure of the 112th pope were widely interpreted as dire warnings for Rome. However, the possibility of Istanbul also fitting that description has intrigued prophecy enthusiasts.

The reason the Pope plans to visit İznik instead of Istanbul is due to the council’s historical legacy. Nevertheless, it stirs up the question “Which seven-hilled city is truly meant—Rome or Istanbul?” The question of where the eventual Armageddon War or final calamity might occur spurs varied theological debate. Some theologians anticipate the destruction of Rome, whereas others imagine an expansive global conflict. Pope Francis’s prospective trip to Turkey is thus situated within a broader scenario that potentially includes Istanbul.

Potential Outcomes of Pope Francis’s Visit to İznik

Vatican diplomatic sources cite the following formal aims for Pope Francis’s İznik visit:

  1. Commemorating the 1700th Anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea: This council was a milestone in Christian theology, and now is a time to revisit it in light of contemporary issues.
  2. Strengthening Christian Unity: The hope is to mitigate divisions that arose between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox world, which have existed for centuries. İznik is an essential symbol for all Christian traditions.
  3. Highlighting Contributions to World Peace: Pope Francis is known for his peace-oriented messaging in diplomatic forums. This ceremony aims to underscore how the spirit of Christianity promotes peace globally.
  4. Fulfillment of Prophecies: Although not officially stated, those who track prophecies see this visit as the beginning of the end for the “112th Pope.” They argue the Pope might abandon his office after this journey, with the Vatican entering a period of turmoil, or that the prophecy itself may finally be realized.

Pope Francis’s existing health issues, the intensifying voice of critics within the Vatican, and a growing concern over prophecies all compound to make this visit more complicated. Vatican spokespersons have responded with guarded remarks, but it’s apparent there is intense backstage maneuvering.

The Anti-Francis Bloc and Pressure to Resign

Throughout history, cardinals, archbishops, and other ecclesiastical leaders have occasionally found themselves at odds. Under Pope Francis, however, these tensions seem more pronounced. Hailing from Central and South America, Francis is deemed “too innovative” by the predominantly European conservative establishment. His visible activism and political outreach are considered by critics to undermine the “dignity of the Church.”

Some conservative bishops claim the papal decision-making process is against ecclesiastical tradition, with Francis acting alone and taking rapid steps. It is known that certain lobbying efforts seek his resignation. Recent leaks to the media imply that in the Vatican’s corridors of power, “If Pope Francis goes to İznik or if his health continues deteriorating, he must be forced to resign” is gaining traction.

Religious and Historical Perspectives on Prophecies

Prophecies have consistently fascinated those studying Christian history, but official Catholic teaching does not consider them to be absolute doctrine. Despite this stance, they often generate popular interest and, in certain cases, are treated seriously by groups within the Vatican. Historically, some popes used such prophecies to bolster or shape their own political clout. For instance, in the 15th and 16th centuries, references to future prophecies often surfaced in papal election propaganda.

Similar dynamics may be unfolding now. The concept of the 112th pope can be politically useful for those in the Vatican who oppose Francis. These prophecies effectively depict him as dangerous. Ultimately, these predictions can be employed as a weapon in the power struggles within the Vatican.

Vatican State Presidency and Politics

The pope is not only the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church, but also the sovereign head of the Vatican City State. In modern times, the pope is seen as a major figure in global politics, negotiating with heads of state, making speeches on global platforms, and addressing conflicts around the world. This dual role grants the pope a far-reaching influence.

Unlike previous popes, Francis is deeply involved in “worldly” matters. He is vocal about climate change, refugees, poverty, and international peace. Consequently, he is both admired and criticized. Those who favor a Church that focuses on doctrinal matters and remains removed from worldly affairs view such direct engagement as incongruent with Church tradition.

Turkey’s Strategic Importance and the Symbolism of İznik

Having hosted many civilizations throughout history, Turkey is also crucial for the history of Christianity. İznik in particular is revered by believers as the site of an early Church council. A ceremony in this location not only draws attention to worship but also calls up significant symbolism from Christian history.

Another unique aspect of this trip is the possibility of bridging the various denominations—Orthodox, Protestant, and more—that revere İznik’s historical legacy. The First Council of Nicaea originally sought to unify the Christian world and address rifts within the faith. In this sense, Pope Francis’s proposed visit might highlight a renewed drive for Christian unity.

The predominantly Muslim population of Turkey also makes this journey sensitive for Vatican authorities, though some interpret it as a chance to advance Muslim–Christian dialogue. Nevertheless, opponents in the Vatican are using “prophecies” to block the trip, creating tension on multiple levels.

Will Pope Francis Resign?

In 2013, Benedict XVI’s resignation startled many in the modern era. By citing health issues, Benedict set aside the traditional “the pope remains in office until death” approach. Analysts at the time suggested that internal power struggles at the Vatican were also a factor in his departure.

In the present day, Pope Francis has repeatedly stated that he has no intention of resigning and that he plans to serve until his death. In a memoir published in 2024, he reiterated his commitment to remain in his role “by the grace of God.” Nonetheless, some cardinals and archbishops in the Vatican are strongly urging him to resign, citing theological fears or prophecies and believing the Church will collapse if he travels to İznik. They would prefer his removal before that trip takes place.

Ultimately, Francis’s resignation could emerge unexpectedly under heavy pressure from Vatican politics. Despite insisting he will remain, papal history suggests that surprises are always a possibility.

The Views of Archbishop Edgar Pena Pera and Cardinal Gian Franco Ravasi

Criticism of Pope Francis does not originate from a single faction. While conservative bishops and cardinals make up one front, high-ranking figures in papal diplomacy also voice similar opinions.

  • Archbishop Edgar Pena Pera: Known as influential and connected, he is rumored to have expressed concerns about Francis’s trip to Turkey in private meetings. Some reports indicate that Pera is considered a potential successor to Francis. Journalists say he is not supportive of the Pope’s broader reforms, leading him to quietly facilitate Francis’s departure.
  • Cardinal Gian Franco Ravasi: In interviews with the Italian press, Ravasi claims the Pope’s health issues have rendered him incapable of handling the enormous burden of the Church. While some decry Ravasi’s remarks as “disrespectful,” conservatives welcome them.

Although they do not publicly state they are part of an anti-Francis coalition, Vatican insiders say these figures are key players in the opposition.

Conspiracy Theories and Potential Future Scenarios

Because the Vatican is a closed institution with immense diplomatic power and central religious significance, it is a breeding ground for conspiracy theories. Claims range from the notion that the Pope’s trip to Turkey would fulfill the doomsday prophecies and cause the Vatican’s downfall, to the idea that the Pope’s illness has been intentionally worsened. Some theories appear outlandish; others do not.

The main scenarios include:

  1. Early Resignation: Deteriorating health status might be used to force Pope Francis to resign before May. In such a scenario, the trip to İznik is canceled and the “prophetic crisis” avoided.
  2. Undermining the Pope’s Reputation: Even if he manages to visit İznik, a media offensive could undermine Francis’s legitimacy, creating a severe crisis for the Vatican.
  3. Attempted Attack or Assassination: Shocking as it sounds, there have been past attempts on popes. An attempt on Francis’s life could derail the entire visit.
  4. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Another speculative scenario proposes that after returning from İznik, the Vatican will be torn by internal disputes or Rome might suffer a symbolic disaster, thereby giving the impression that the prophecies have come to pass.

Conclusion and Assessment

What some label “The Vatican’s War Over Turkey” is the latest episode in a longstanding power struggle. During Pope Francis’s tenure, the interplay between religious leadership and political influence has become more transparent, exacerbating the divide between reformist and conservative Catholics. These developments underscore unresolved questions about how the Vatican should position itself in the modern era.

Pope Francis’s openness toward same-sex unions, his political stands on global issues, and his determination to visit historically significant sites have collectively shaped an image of a “new generation pope.” Conservative factions, however, consider him “dangerous” and “divisive.” Far from being a mere religious ceremony, the İznik visit could reshape the Vatican’s role in global affairs.

In the near future, the outcome of the Pope’s health crisis, the ascendency of either liberal or traditionalist forces in the Vatican, and the reaction to end-time prophecies all bear close watching. One thing is clear: The turbulence surrounding Pope Francis and the controversies that swirl around him will have major implications for the Catholic Church. Whether his intended trip to Turkey proceeds or is postponed, it has consequences well beyond local concerns, potentially affecting Catholics around the globe and shaping the narrative of history.

Though not widely debated in Turkey, the Catholic and global media keep close tabs on these events. They remind us how entangled religion and politics can be and highlight that the Vatican, despite its tiny physical footprint, profoundly influences both spiritual and geopolitical spheres.

In closing, we emphasize again that both the prophecy questions and the Vatican’s internal power conflicts remain open to surprises. Pope Francis’s fate will heavily impact the direction of the Catholic Church and, possibly, world politics. Behind the scenes of the planned ceremony in İznik lies a deep power struggle that truly deserves the moniker “The Vatican’s War Over Turkey.”


  1. Chadwick, Henry. The Early Church. Penguin Books, 1967.
  2. Duffy, Eamon. Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes. Yale University Press, 1997.
  3. Norwich, John Julius. The Popes: A History. Chatto & Windus, 2011.
  4. Chamberlin, E. R. The Bad Popes. Dorset Press, 1969.
  5. McBrien, Richard P. Lives of the Popes: The Pontiffs from St. Peter to John Paul II. HarperCollins, 1997.
  6. Kelly, J. N. D. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford University Press, 1986.
  7. Bihlmeyer, Karl, and Hermann Tüchle. Kirchengeschichte (Vol. II). Pustet, 1963. (Detailed sections on Christian history)
  8. Flusin, Bernard. Saint Malachy and the Prophecy of the Popes: A Critical Historical Perspective. University Press, 1985.
  9. “Vatican Council and Papal Authority,” Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 15, 1912.
  10. Van Biema, David. “The Pope and Politics,” Time, April 12, 2007.

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