How To Perform Fajr Prayer?

Fajr prayer, performed at the first light of day, is one of the most blessed acts of worship. It is when the heart is fully submitted to Allah, the soul is purified, and a spiritual renewal is experienced. In this article, every movement of the Fajr prayer is explained in detail—from the intention and Takbir to Qiyam (standing), Ruku (bowing), Sujud (prostration), Tashahhud (sitting), and Tasleem (salutation). All explanations are supported by authentic Islamic sources (Sahih-i Bukhari, Sahih-i Muslim, Tirmidhi, Imam Ghazali’s Ihya-u Ulumiddin, and Abu Hanifa’s Risale-i Fıkıh) and are presented in a sincere, heartfelt, and humble manner that reflects the true spirit of a practicing Muslim.

Fajr prayer is the time when Muslims begin their day by stepping into the presence of Allah, seeking His mercy and guidance. This prayer is not merely a series of physical actions but represents a profound inner journey where the heart and soul turn exclusively toward Allah. Each movement in the prayer carries significant spiritual meaning, purifying the mind, elevating the spirit, and distancing one from worldly distractions.
(Sahih-i Bukhari, Sahih-i Muslim)

Preparation for Prayer and Ablution

Before performing the Fajr prayer, one must ensure both physical and spiritual cleanliness through the process of ablution (wudu). Ablution is not only a physical purification but also a means of inner cleansing that prepares the believer to stand before Allah with humility and sincerity.

Steps of Ablution

  • Making the Intention (Niyyah):
    In the heart, the intention is made: “I am performing wudu for the purpose of purifying myself for prayer.”
  • Washing the Hands:
    The hands are washed up to the elbows three times.
  • Cleaning the Mouth and Nose:
    The mouth is rinsed, and then the nostrils are cleaned by sniffing water into them, three times each.
  • Washing the Face:
    The face is washed from the hairline to the chin and from ear to ear, three times.
  • Washing the Arms:
    Both the right and left arms are washed from the fingertips up to and including the elbows, three times each.
  • Wiping the Head:
    The wet hands are passed over the entire head.
  • Cleaning the Ears:
    The inner and outer parts of the ears are wiped gently with the wet fingers.
  • Washing the Feet:
    Both the right and left feet are washed up to and including the ankles three times each.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Wudu is half of the faith.”
(Sahih-i Muslim)
This ritual purification ensures that both body and soul are prepared to stand in prayer before Allah.

Intention and Takbir

The very first step in prayer is to renew your intention (niyyah) in your heart. For Fajr prayer, silently affirm, “I intend to perform the Fajr obligatory prayer for the sake of Allah.” This intention, made sincerely in the heart, infuses every subsequent movement with spiritual significance.

Following this, raise your hands and say the Takbir to enter into the state of prayer.

الله أكبر

Okunuş: Allahu Ekber

Anlam: Allah is the Greatest.

This declaration removes worldly distractions and centers the heart solely on Allah.
(Sahih-i Bukhari)

Qiyam: Standing and Recitation

Qiyam, the standing position, forms the core of the prayer. In this posture, the body and mind align as the worshipper focuses solely on Allah’s majesty.

Maintaining the Upright Posture

While standing, keep the back straight and the gaze directed downward or towards the prayer mat. This position reflects the utmost concentration and humility before Allah.

Reciting the Quran

During Qiyam, the first unit (rak’ah) of Fajr prayer begins with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha, the essence of the prayer, which is recited in every rak’ah.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Okunuş: Bismillâhir Rahmânir Rahîm

Anlam: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Okunuş: Al-Hamdu Lillâhi Rabbil ‘Âlemîn

Anlam: All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.

الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Okunuş: Ar-Rahmânir Rahîm

Anlam: The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

Okunuş: Mâliki Yawmid-Dîn

Anlam: Master of the Day of Judgment.

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ

Okunuş: Iyyâka Na’budu Wa Iyyâka Nasta’în

Anlam: You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

Okunuş: Ihdinas-Sirâtal Mustekîm

Anlam: Guide us to the straight path.

After Surah Al-Fatiha, it is customary to recite another short Surah or a few verses from the Quran, such as Surah Al-Ikhlas:

قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ

Okunuş: Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad

Anlam: Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One.”

اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ

Okunuş: Allahus-Samad

Anlam: Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.

لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ

Okunuş: Lam Yelid Wa Lam Yûled

Anlam: He neither begets nor is born.

وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ

Okunuş: Walam Yakun Lahu Kufuwan Ahad

Anlam: And there is none comparable to Him.

(Sahih-i Muslim)
These recitations remind the heart of Allah’s greatness and mercy, deepening one’s spiritual reflection during the prayer.

Ruku: Bowing in Humility

After completing the recitation in Qiyam, the next movement is Ruku, where the worshipper bows down in humility to acknowledge Allah’s grandeur.

Transition into Ruku

From the standing position, slowly bend at the waist until the back is parallel to the ground. Keep the back straight, bend the knees slightly, and place the hands on the knees. This posture symbolizes the surrender of one’s pride and the complete submission to Allah.

The Supplication in Ruku

While in Ruku, with deep humility, say:

سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْعَظِيمِ

Okunuş: Subhâne Rabbiyel Azîm

Anlam: Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great.

This supplication affirms the greatness of Allah and reinforces the believer’s humility.
(Sahih-i Bukhari)

Sujud: Prostration in Complete Submission

Sujud is considered the most sacred position in prayer, where the worshipper places every part of the body on the ground, symbolizing absolute submission to Allah.

How to Enter Sujud

After Ruku, rise slowly to a standing position and then proceed to prostrate by lowering your forehead, nose, both hands, knees, and the tips of your toes to the ground. This complete physical submission is a visual expression of the inner surrender of the heart to Allah.

The Supplication During Sujud

While in Sujud, recite with utmost sincerity:

سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْأَعْلَى

Okunuş: Subhâne Rabbiyel A’lâ

Anlam: Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.

During Sujud, you may also silently say,

رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي

Okunuş: Rabbi ğfir li

Anlam: My Lord, forgive me.

(Sahih-i Bukhari)
These supplications in prostration are moments when the heart is closest to Allah and seeks His forgiveness and mercy.

Tashahhud: Sitting with Gratitude

After completing the two prostrations, gently rise and sit in the Tashahhud position (Kade). This sitting posture is a time for reflection, gratitude, and affirmation of faith.

Reciting the Tashahhud

While sitting, recite the Tashahhud as follows:

التحيات لله والصلوات والطيبات

Okunuş: At-Tahiyyâtü Lillâhi Was-Salavâtü Wat-Tayyibât

Anlam: All greetings, prayers, and pure words belong to Allah.

السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة الله وبركاته

Okunuş: As-Salâmu Aleyka Eyyühen-Nebiyyu Verahmetullâhi Ve Berakâtuh

Anlam: Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

السلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين

Okunuş: As-Salâmu Aleyna Ve Aley Ibâdillâhis-Sâlihîn

Anlam: Peace be upon us and upon the righteous servants of Allah.

(Sahih-i Bukhari)
This sitting position and the recited supplications reinforce one’s commitment to Allah and serve as a moment of deep reflection and gratitude.

Tasleem: Concluding the Prayer

At the end of the prayer, the final act is to offer the Tasleem, which marks the completion of the prayer and the return to the worldly state with a renewed spiritual focus.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Okunuş: As-Salâmu Aleykum Ve Rahmetullâh

Anlam: Peace and Allah’s mercy be upon you.

Turning the head first to the right and then to the left, you greet those around you, symbolizing the extension of peace beyond the prayer space and reinforcing the bond of unity and brotherhood among believers.

Dua, Zikir, and Spiritual Depth

After completing the Fajr prayer, it is recommended to engage in further supplication (dua) and remembrance (zikr) of Allah throughout the day. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Dua is the reflection of the heart.” This continuous remembrance strengthens your spiritual connection to Allah and carries the tranquility of the prayer into your daily life.

For instance, you may repeatedly say:

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ

Okunuş: Subhânellâh

Anlam: Glory be to Allah.

Additionally, one of the important supplications post-prayer is:

رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Okunuş: Rabbana Atina Fid-Dunya Hasanatan Ve Fil-Akhirati Hasanatan Ve Qina ‘Adhaban-Nâr

Anlam: Our Lord, give us in this world good and in the Hereafter good, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.

(Sahih-i Bukhari)
Such supplications infuse the day with divine hope and a constant reminder of Allah’s mercy and protection.

Integrating Fajr Prayer into Daily Life

Fajr prayer sets the tone for the rest of the day. By beginning with this act of worship, you establish a spiritual discipline that influences every aspect of your life. The tranquility and mindfulness cultivated during the prayer carry over into your work, family life, and social interactions, guiding you to seek Allah’s pleasure in every action.

Establishing a consistent routine for Fajr prayer helps in managing time efficiently and maintaining the balance between worldly responsibilities and spiritual growth. A sincere, focused prayer awakens the soul, helping you to face the challenges of the day with patience, perseverance, and trust in Allah’s plan.

Social Solidarity and Congregational Prayer

While Fajr prayer is often performed individually, attending congregational prayers at the mosque can greatly strengthen community bonds. When performed together, the collective act of worship reinforces unity, brotherhood, and mutual support among Muslims. The Prophet (peace be upon him) stated, “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.”
(Sahih-i Bukhari)

Participating in congregational prayers not only elevates individual spirituality but also contributes to social peace and collective strength.

Conclusion: A Heart Renewed by Fajr Prayer

Fajr prayer is a blessed opportunity to begin the day in absolute submission and humility before Allah. In this article, we have detailed every movement of the Fajr prayer—from the initial intention and Takbir, through the Qiyam with Quran recitation, the humble Ruku, the complete prostration in Sujud, the reflective Tashahhud, and finally, the Tasleem that concludes the prayer. Each step is imbued with deep spiritual meaning and is supported by authentic Islamic sources (Sahih-i Bukhari, Sahih-i Muslim, Tirmidhi, Imam Ghazali’s Ihya-u Ulumiddin, Abu Hanifa’s Risale-i Fıkıh, and Riyad-us-Saliheen).

Every movement is not only a physical action but a manifestation of a sincere heart seeking Allah’s pleasure. May your every rak’ah be filled with humility, and every dua leave an everlasting imprint in your soul. Let Fajr prayer be the source of your daily spiritual nourishment and a guiding light for your life.


  • Sahih-i Bukhari
  • Sahih-i Muslim
  • Tirmidhi, Ilm and Adab
  • Imam Ghazali, Ihya-u Ulumiddin
  • Abu Hanifa’s Risale-i Fıkıh
  • Riyad-us-Saliheen

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