Tahassun Prayer and Practice for Protection from Evil Beings
To protect oneself from all types of harmful entities such as jinn, devils, ifrit, marids, or similar harmful beings, the following spiritual protection practice (Tahassun) is recommended. It should be performed particularly on Sunday, Monday, or Friday while fasting and maintaining spiritual cleanliness.
- Tahassun Prayer and Practice for Protection from Evil Beings
- How to Write and Apply the Tahassun Prayer
- Arabic Text of the Tahassun Prayer
- Transliteration of the Tahassun Prayer
- English Meaning of the Tahassun Prayer
- Final Word
- References
How to Write and Apply the Tahassun Prayer
This prayer should be written on one of the specified days while fasting. It should be written on clean white paper using musk, rose water, and saffron if available. During the writing process, the following chapters and verses from the Quran must be included:
- Surah Al-Fatiha (once)
- Ayat al-Kursi (1 time)
- Amanar Rasul (Last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah, 1 time)
The written prayer should be carried at all times and recited regularly, at least once, preferably three or more times, in the morning and evening. This enhances spiritual protection and safeguards against harmful beings.
Arabic Text of the Tahassun Prayer
بسم الله القوي المتين ذو الحول والقوة المتكبر القهار الشديد ذو البطش المانع الوافي معز عبده بأسمائه وصفاته ومذل من عاداه بجبروته وكبريائه، فهو الله الذي لا يدرك بوهم ولا يحل في عقل ولا يمثل في نفس ولا يتصور في ذهن، له العزة الشامخة والكنف الحافظ والحصن المانع والستر الحصين والحرز الحصين المنيع، أسأله بما وراء سرادقات عرشه المجيد أن يقيني بعزته ويدخلني في كنفه ويحسنني في حصنه ويسيل على ستره الحصين محروزا بحرز المنيع من جميع خلقه ومن الإنس والجن والوحش والهوام بألف لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم، يسمع إلهًا ربًا ولا بلحن إيحين يقدمون يا طاويحين إميراحين تبولا إروشين إحياء إحياء قدوس صمد ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير.
Transliteration of the Tahassun Prayer
Bismillâhil kaviyyül metîn zül-havli vel-kuvvetil mütekebbiril kahhâriş şedîd zül-batşil mâni’il vâfi müizzü abdihi bi-esmâihi ve sıfâtihi ve müzillü men âdâhu bi-ceberûtihi ve kibriyâihi, fe hüvellâhüllezî lâ yüdrikü bi vehmin velâ yehillü fî aklin velâ yümessilü fî nefsin velâ yütesavveru fî zihnin, lehül izzetüş-şâmihatu vel-kenfül hâfizu vel-hısnül mâni’u ves-setrül hasîn vel-hırzül hasînil menî’u, es’elühü bimâ verâ sürâdikâti arşihil mecîd en yüknî bi-izzetihi ve yüdhilenî fî kenfihi ve yuhassineni fî hısnihi ve yesîle alâ setrihil hasîni mahruzen bihırzihil menî’i min cemî’i halkihi ve minel insi vel cinni vel vahşi vel hevâmi bi elfî lâ havle velâ kuvvete illâ billâhil aliyyil azîm yeşmehu ilâhen rabben velâ belhin îhîn yukaddimûne yâ tâvîhîn îmîrâhîn tebûlâ irûşîn ihyâ ihyâ kuddûsün samedün leyse kemislihî şey’ün ve hüves semî’ul basîr.
English Meaning of the Tahassun Prayer
In the name of Allah, the Mighty, Firm, possessing strength and power, supreme, severely punishing, preventer, provider, who elevates His servants by His names and attributes and humbles those who oppose Him by His grandeur and majesty. He is Allah, beyond imagination, uncontained by intellect, unrepresentable in souls, and inconceivable by minds. Supreme dignity, protective refuge, impenetrable fortress, secure veil, and mighty shield belong to Him. I ask Him by the majesty beyond the veils of His glorious throne to protect me, shelter me in His refuge, fortify me in His fortress, and cover me with His impenetrable veil, safeguarded by His mighty shield against all His creatures, humans, jinn, wild animals, and harmful beings. There is no strength nor power except with Allah, the High, the Great. He is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and nothing resembles Him.
Final Word
The Tahassun prayer, performed with sincerity and devotion, significantly enhances spiritual protection and tranquility. Believers can incorporate this prayer into their daily lives to maintain spiritual safeguarding.
- Quran
- Abdul Qadir Gilani, Ghunyat al-Talibin
- Imam Nawawi, Al-Adhkar
- Abdul Aziz al-Dabbagh, Al-Ibriz
- Jalaluddin Suyuti, Al-Jami’ al-Saghir
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